In order to keep pets as healthy as possible many diagnostics tests can be necessary or recommended over the course of their life. Although some unique tests can only be done at special testing centers or universities, most day to day tests your pet needs can be done quickly & appropriately in our clinic with state of the art equipment.

When you need answers for your pet you don’t want to wait or have to go somewhere else. Our knowledgeable staff & veterinarians make sure you get the test you need, from the right place, done the right way. Inappropriate samples, poor positioning, delayed processing can all invalidate or alter results. We make sure your getting what you pay for & your pet isn’t being put through unnecessary stress.

Common diagnostic & laboratory test performed in our clinic include

  • Chemistry Blood Profiles
  • Complete Blood Counts
  • Microscopic Evaluations
  • Fine Needle Aspirates
  • Digital Radiographs (xrays)
  • Dental Digital Radiographs
  • DNA Health Screening
  • Ultrasound (performed by a board certified veterinary radiologist)
  • Urine Assessment
  • Fecal Examination
  • Fecal Biome Testing
  • Intraocular Pressure
  • Tick Borne Disease Screens
  • & Many More